Friday, July 30

Multimedia Project

Today we received our multimedia research project and i have decided to work one my own for this project. At the momment i have decided to use for my webpage as i find it interesting and has many interesting graphic options and seems easy for now compared to the other online tools.

Wednesday, July 21


1. What is the function of the CPU?
Also known as the Central Processing Unit or microprocessor ,is constructed on a single chip and is the heart of any normal computer and processes information of a computer program.

2. What was the name of the first CPU?
The Intel 4004, 

3. Referring to the graph on page 2 of the article, describe how the speed of CPU’s has changed.

  From the first year which the first CPU Intel 8080,was introduced the speed was 2 MHz which only carried a small amount of data of 8 bits. In the next 11 years a progress has been made in the technology. Intel 80386 was introduced and it contained a speed of 16 MHz which was 8 times faster than the Intel 8080. It carried 32 bits amount of data which is four times larger than intel 8080 CPU. As the years pass the clock speed increases which each new CPU. From the Intel 80386 CPU's speed of 16 MHz in the year 1985 to about 3.6 GHz in 2004 with the CPU called Pentium 4 "Prescott" . As we can see this is a great increase in the clock speed. After 1989 CPU's could carry as much data as 32 bits,64-bit bus.

4. What does MIPS measure?
This stands for "millions of instructions per second" and it measures an approximate performance of the CPU.


     What is a dual core processor?

A Dual Core Processor is a CPU with two separate cores on the same die, each with its own cache. It's the equivalent of getting two microprocessors in one. and is nearly twice as powerful as a single core processor.

    What is multitasking and how do the two work together?

       With current multitasking, a processor can only handle a single thread at a time, so the system rapidly switches between the threads to process the data simultaneously. A tread is a single stream of data which travels through the processor in the system. The Dual core processor system can handle more than one thread allowing it to be able to multi task and each processor can handle a separate stream of data allowing it to perform faster.  

Intel Atom Processor 


  • Power Efficient 
  • small and compact 
  • powerful yet energy-efficient 
  • faster (better response)
  • memory graphic and video controller 
  • thin, innovative form factors