Tuesday, November 30


Today i have been working on my game and i have added many more obstacles and stages like the following.

I  have personally created these stages using the paint on the scratch program and they will appear on each level of the game.
I am still deciding on whether to put a score or a timer!! :P But i will have both to make the game more challenging.

Friday, November 19

Developing the idea for game

I'm thinking is to make a cube sprite and its goal is to go into a vortex... it has to go past many obsticles and the cube man can jump over them.

To make the game go harder it has different levels which it has to go past. If the cube land onto a red bit of the surface it dies and the person has to start again from the begining of that level and try to pass the river and and go into the vortex which will lead to the next level. The levels are the green boxes which represent grass

Sunday, November 7

Scratch Tutorials....

These are eight of the features that i chose to do to experiment with the Scractch software.
1.) Glidng: Ghost
I made a ghost glide around space and say 'hooo' by using the "say" control. I have used the gliding technique to  allow the character to smoothly follow a given direction. we can give them the directions points either through typing in the specific points x and y
2) Follow the Mouse: A monster creature following the mouse
This is the simple script for making a character move to a mouse pointer.
We have to put the "when flag clicked" button so that we know when the character will begin to chase after the mouse pointer we need to put the forever control option otherwise it will have a time limit which doesn't make any sense of course we need to put the point towards a mouse pointer so that the character faces that way. if we simply do this and not put the "move 3 steps" bit then the character will not move but will simply turn to the mouse pointerThe purpose of "move 3 steps" is to make the character chase after the mouse rather than just staying still. I have repeated this action10x.
3) Say Something
I have made the sprites in this scratch to say something simply by just using the say operation.
4+5) keeping score and key moves

6.)Interactive Whirl
7. Moving Animations
In this instance i have managed to make a bat to move and when it reaches a wall it just bounces of the wall and appear to be flapping its wings by using the change costume control. The move __spaces control allows the bat to move steps back and forth as well.

Friday, November 5

Using scratch in class

We are making an ant which moves around and it eats a fortune cookie and tells the other ants to come in and join in with it to eat it. The purpos eis to make a sprite you can move up down with the arrows
  1. We have imported the costumes of the ant and the fortune cookie fromt he scratch files.
  2. and then made the steps for it to do when moving the arrows
  3. When the ant eats the cookie it makes the sound of a "shaker" whenever ant gets to fortune cookie it makes this sound

Here's are scrren shot of what we have done so far.

Broadcast useful in a game: when 1 sprite tells the other sprites what to do. e.g when pacman eats the last food it means its the next level.like background needs to change and pacman has to change also food of pacman has to change.When lots of things have to be told all at once you have to use a broadcast. Partner code: when you receive.