Tuesday, March 23

Journal entriess- (from different datess)

I had forgotten my password for the blogger account and was un sure on how to change the password and i started doing my journal entries on a spare word document and i have figured out how to change the pasword today and i have copied my previous entries.

14 March 2010
This lesson i have been trying to decide upon which program to use to make my animation. While deciding i had to take a few thoughts on each program. The two programs which i was going to choose upon are Paint and Inkscape. I descided to complete to simple animations in each program and decide which one i prefer.


On Paint i animated a ball rolling down a hill and then back up the hill and down again. This program consists of two layers a Vector Layer and a Bitmap Layer. The Vector Layer is the layer where the animated object is to be placed as you can move anything in this Layer. The Bitmap layer is the layer which the background is placed as this is where the unmoved unchanged background would be place. In my case i inserted the Ball in the Vector layer and The hill on the Bitmap Layer. I experienced many difficulty in trying to make the ball roll down the hill in a smooth motion therfore as a result the animation did not come out as great as i ahd imagined. I have not figured out a way to upload my animatioon from paint yet.

Next i made an animation of a Dog moving its tongue and a ball bouncing beside it. To create this animation i exported single images in the format of png into a file with all the animations and as i changed a new part of the image i would export the image into the same file. I found this an easier way to create animation then pencil as there were no frames and the tools were more in quantity then pencil giving me a good variety of choice. This is myt animation url: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BwhjQzz8O7QiNjg1MGIwNGItN2M2Mi00MDQ2LWE3MmYtN2M4OTg1ZTc1MzE3&hl=en

In the final descision i chose to use the program Inkscape as i found it easier to make a fine and flowing animation with a wide variety of tools rather then just limited with frames and a few tools. And also it was easier to move objects and spin them.

The instrucions for using Inkscape for animation are :

  • Set background coulour of Canvas.
  • Size canvas to 400 by 400 pixle
  • Save drawing program (____.svg)
  • Create and use one folder for your files.

16th March 2010

The today i have been brainstorming some ideas to do my animation on. In the brainstorm i came across ideas based on a purple animal as i am in the house dobson. The animals which i thought of doing included, Dolphin, Dragon, Cat, Dog, Shark. The pictures of these animals were as follows. While choosing Which animal to do i took carefull considertion on

the difficulty of the creation. I also took into consideration my creativity and the idea of challenging myself.

I had an idea to create a dolphin and make the dolphin swim in the water making splashes of dolphin but i saw this as beeing too easy ,so i decided to challenge my self by making a dragon and the storyline in Dobson Dragon defeating each animal from all of the other houses.I then brainstormed the animals to use for each house and started to create my dinosaur.

  • Caritas: Bee
Veritas: Viper
  • Coolock: 4 leaf clover bunches
  • Mercedes:a Bat
  • Ryan : Pig
  • Claire: Butterfly

  • 19 March (ANIMATION PROCESS) 2010

    Today i have started to create my animation. I started by looking for a peaceful background on googl ean di found this image and decided to make that my backgournd. I started to creact my dinosaur and i diant want it to be scary but a a cute dinosaur. I had a few difficulties with the tool such as objects moving in umwanted positons and wrong grouping but afetr a while i figured it out and was able to finishthe image. My final design for the dinosaur is:

    I started to do all of my pictures and exported them it took a long time to complete one picture but i have now done the first 37 frames which i amhappy with. This is my first frame. As i completed each frame i exported the frames in the format into my file called "ANIMATION DOBSON" and exported each frame as a png image and i will continue to do this for the following frames to come.

    22 March (PROCCESS OF ANIMATION) 2010

    The past lessons and at home i have been completing more and more frames for my Dobson animation. I have Now completed 77 frames and have a long way to go but i am using my class time wisely to complete them. I made 3 of the animals today the Bee , snake and pig and continued on with my animating.

    PROBLEM:for some strange reason whenever i open my document on inkscape the background pictures appears to be gone and it says "Image not found" as i did the frames i had to copy and paste the background into the image and this may have caused my animation background to look like it is moving. I asked sir and he said that the image format could not be supported so i had to put the image onto paint and paste it into inkscape. After that the background is still appearing. :D

    23rd March 2010

    Todays lesson in IST i continued with my animation and i have done some frames at home the night before so today i have done an extra 20 frames in class giving me a total of 92 frames now i am up to when the snake is in the animation i am now half way through my animation :D

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