Wednesday, April 21

What to look for in a camera phone?

Today is my first lesson of the Term One and i am working on the task What to look for in a camera phone.
Facts about how you can buy an excellent camera phone
REMEMBER: Megapixels are only half the deal when purchasing a new Camera Phone!

1.Auto Focus
What is Auto Focus?
Is the Useful tool on the camera which helps to focus on the subject you are taking a picture off avoiding spots on the image. Thuis tool is very useful when you want a photo that you can actually use. Megapixels are not off matter but without Autofocus on the camera the pictures will look horrible. Autofocus is essential on a camera.

2. Dual LED or Xenon flash
What is a flash?
A flash is the tool which allows pictures to be lighter/brighter when the picture is being taken in a dark environment. Especially in these conditions a flash is an essential merit.
A standard LED flash wont be enough for this as the light which they take out is larger then the screen size of the camera phone.
Xenon Flashis the best type of flash because it produces a huge burst of light which helps especially in sercumstances such as in the Dark. The downsidew of this flash is that it is a heavy source on teh battery which means it uses up a lot of battery also it takes time to reset making the time frame between shots longer.This makes this flash no good for video.
Dual LED (Dual light-emitting diode) Flash is the flash which in in between and it twice the colour of LED flash but 1/1000th that of Xenon. But that said it does have to advantage of a continous running imags for and still images. This flash type is cheaper than the Xenon Flash.

Single LED flash : Whats godd about this flash is that it is cheap. As you can see from this image it is completly useless!

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